Program MA Sociology - winter-term 2023

(Version 3.2, 28.09.2023)


Semester 1

Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
10:00 -
LECTURE: Sociological Theories Kohl LECTURE: Introduction to European Integration Hutter Qualitative Research Design & Methods Varga titel lecturer titel lecturer
12:00 -
Theories on Formal and Informal Institutions Bluhm Action and handling of the crisis in society Hepp Living Together in Difference: Classical and Contemporary Debates Costa Identity and Radicalization Varga State development in European and post-communist perspective Varga Introduction to Data Analysis using STATA Pietrantuono titel lecturer
14:00 -
Social Cohesion Aruqaj Migration and integration: main theories and their empirical applications Teney Political Populism in Europe: An Introduction von Scheve Social and political conflict in Europe Dageförde Key Topics in applied quantitative data analysis Heisig LECTURE: Methods of Comparative Research Silva titel lecturer
16:00 -
Das Planetarische denken? Costa & Klengel The politicization of civil society in Europe Hutter titel lecturer Group Processes and Intergroup Relations von Scheve titel lecturer titel lecturer
18:00 -
titel lecturer titel lecturer titel lecturer titel lecturer titel lecturer

Legend: Module 1 Module 2 Module 3

Semester 3

Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
10:00 -
The Sociology of Music: Culture, Identity and Social Struggle Aruqaj Migration und postsozialistischer Wandel Glathe Text Analysis in R (Block 1) Heinrich Master Colloquium Teney Minimum Wages and Social Security in the EU Himmelreicher Why and how? Empirical methods of causal analysis using Stata and SPSS Ohr Statistical Panel Models: Recent Developments in Difference-in-Differences and Fixed-Effects Teney Selected Aspects of Demographic Development (Block 7 x 9:00-12:00) Allmendinger Text Analysis in R (Block 2, 11:00-17:00) Heinrich Sociology of Conspiracy Theories Wunderlich titel lecturer
12:00 -
Analysis of educational trajectories in adolescence and adulthood using the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) Ehlert Working with the German Socio-Economic Panel – Analyzing Research Questions with Panel Data Kalleitner Quantitative Cross-National Comparative Research Teney Contested Emotions in Social Conflict von Scheve Qualitative Methods (Interviews and Text Analysis) for Gender Research Zippel titel lecturer Research Colloquium Sociology of Latin America Costa
14:00 -
titel lecturer
16:00 -
Master Colloquium Gerhards Master Colloquium Zippel Master Colloquium Kohl Master Colloquium von Scheve Mapping inequalities across the life course Hornberg & Solga Gender inequalities in training and labor markets across countries Finger & Hofmeister titel lecturer
18:00 -
Language and Society Gerhards Master Colloquium Ohr titel lecturer titel lecturer titel lecturer

Legend: Module 7 Module 8

Programm overview

Semester 1

Module 1: European Integration and the Development of European Societies since 1945
Title Lecturer Day Time
Social Cohesion Aruqaj Mon 14-16
The politicization of civil society in Europe Hutter Mon 16-18
LECTURE: Introduction to European Integration Hutter Tue 10-12
Migration and integration: main theories and their empirical applications Teney Tue 14-16
Political Populism in Europe: An Introduction von Scheve Tue 14-16
Social and political conflict in Europe Dageförde Tue 14-16
State development in European and post-communist perspective Varga Wed 12-14
Module 2: Sociological Theories of Social Change and Integration
Title Lecturer Day Time
LECTURE: Sociological Theories Kohl Mon 10-12
Theories on Formal and Informal Institutions Bluhm Mon 12-14
Action and handling of the crisis in society Hepp Mon 12-14
Das Planetarische denken? Costa & Klengel Mon 16-18
Living Together in Difference: Classical and Contemporary Debates Costa Tue 12-14
Identity and Radicalization Varga Tue 12-14
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations von Scheve Wed 16-18
Module 3: Methods of Comparative Research in Social Sciences
Title Lecturer Day Time
Qualitative Research Design & Methods Varga Wed 10-12
Key Topics in applied quantitative data analysis Heisig Wed 14-16
Introduction to Data Analysis using STATA Pietrantuono Thu 12-14
LECTURE: Methods of Comparative Research Silva Thu 14-16

Semester 3

Module 7: Research Practicum
Title Lecturer Day Time
Analysis of educational trajectories in adolescence and adulthood using the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) Ehlert Mon 12-16
Working with the German Socio-Economic Panel – Analyzing Research Questions with Panel Data Kalleitner Tue 12-16
Quantitative Cross-National Comparative Research Teney Wed 12-16
Contested Emotions in Social Conflict von Scheve Wed 12-16
Qualitative Methods (Interviews and Text Analysis) for Gender Research Zippel Wed 12-16
Module 8: Area of Specialization
Title Lecturer Day Time
The Sociology of Music: Culture, Identity and Social Struggle Aruqaj Mon 10-12
Migration und postsozialistischer Wandel Glathe Mon 10-12
Language and Society Gerhards Mon 18-20
Text Analysis in R (Block 1) Heinrich Tue 10-12
Minimum Wages and Social Security in the EU Himmelreicher Wed 10-12
Why and how? Empirical methods of causal analysis using Stata and SPSS Ohr Wed 10-12
Mapping inequalities across the life course Hornberg & Solga Wed 16-18
Statistical Panel Models: Recent Developments in Difference-in-Differences and Fixed-Effects Teney Thu 10-15
Selected Aspects of Demographic Development (Block 7 x 9:00-12:00) Allmendinger Thu 10-12
Gender inequalities in training and labor markets across countries Finger & Hofmeister Thu 16-18
Ausgewählte Aspekte der demografischen Entwicklung Allmendinger Thu 0-2
Text Analysis in R (Block 2, 11:00-17:00) Heinrich Fri 10-18
Sociology of Conspiracy Theories Wunderlich Fri 10-16
Title Lecturer Day Time
Master Colloquium Gerhards Mon 16-18
Master Colloquium Zippel Mon 16-18
Master Colloquium Teney Tue 10-12
Master Colloquium Kohl Tue 16-18
Master Colloquium von Scheve Tue 16-18
Master Colloquium Ohr Tue 18-20
Research Colloquium Sociology of Latin America Costa Fri 12-18