Program MA Sociology - summer-term 2024

(Version 2.0, 14.11.2023)

Programm overview

Semester 2

Module 4: Social Structure and Inequalities in European Societies
Title Lecturer Day Time Space
LECTURE Social Structure of European Societies Heisig Wed 14-16
Inequality and Preferences for Redistribution Kalleitner Thu 16-18 20
Social Inequality During Times of Crisis Cornesse Thu 16-18 20
Inequalities and Social Stratification in Labor Markets Kalleitner Thu 14-16 20
Immigrant integration in Europe Potapova Thu 12-14 15
Measuring Social Constructs Fabry Thu 12-14 20
Digitalization and Social Inequality Ehlert Thu 12-14 20
Ausgewählte Aspekte der demografischen Entwicklung (Block, 9:30 - 12:30) Allmendinger Thu 10-12 10
Introduction to Comparative-historical Housing Sociology Kohl Tue 12-14 10
Social Structures and Inequalities in Comparative Perspective: Using Data Infrastructures of Comparative Empirical Social Research Cornesse Tue 12-14 20
Welfare state theories and applications Bluhm Tue 12-14 20
Sum 175
Module 5: Culture and Values in European Societies
Title Lecturer Day Time Space
LECTURE Cultural Differences and Similarities between the Member States of the European Union Teney Mon 10-12
Socioanalysis - Elements of the construction of social reality in Pierre Bourdieu Hepp Wed 16-18 20
Gender, Borders, Memory Caglar & Gienow-Hecht Wed 16-18 5
Citizens and Politics Dageförde Tue 16-18
Social Movement Studies: An Introduction Hutter Mon 16-18 20
Conspiracy and Misinformation in the Digital Age Wunderlich & Berg Mon 14-16 20
Religiosity in European Societies Ohr Mon 14-16 20
The Rise of the Populist Radical Right Hutter Mon 14-16 20
Sum 105
Module 6: Globalization and Regional Development
Title Lecturer Day Time Space
LECTURE Global and Regional Transformations: Challenging Methodological Nationalism Costa Tue 14-16
Regional Inequalities Cornesse Wed 12-14 20
Sociology of deviance. An introduction with applications to categories of marginalization in Eastern Europe Varga Wed 12-14 10
Sociology of the European Union Teney Wed 12-14 20
Civil Society and Mobilisation Varga Wed 10-12 10
Russische Eliten Bluhm Mon 12-14 10
Nationalism, Religion and Gender in Eastern Europe Bluhm Tue 10-12 10
Globalisation and Social Inequality Gerhards Mon 18-20 20
Nation-State, Citizenship, and Globalization Soysal Mon 12-14 20
Hyper-Commodified Cities and Urban Social Movements Gustavusson Mon 12-14 10
Psychoanalysis in Latin America: sociological explorations of a discipline and how it has been applied Sauer Fri 10-12 10
Sum 140

Semester 4

Module 8: Area of Specialization
Title Lecturer Day Time Space
Introducing Text Analysis with R through Political Party Manifestos from US Demirbağ Mon 16-18 10
Advanced Research Design Dageförde Tue 10-12
Beyond Surveys Cornesse Tue 14-16 20
Qualitative analysis of experiences of displaced migrants in Europe Teney & Potapova Tue 14-16 20
Intermediate Data Analysis and Visualization in R Fabry Wed 16-18
From Interview to Inference. How to explore social structures & processes by doing qualitative research Varga Thu 10-12 10
An International Comparison of Empirical Social Research in Germany and the USA from its Beginning until the 1950s Gorges Thu 12-14 20
Introduction to Machine Learning for Social Sciences Castanho Silva Thu 14-16 20
Sum 100
Title Lecturer Day Time Space
Colloquium Hutter Tue 12-14 20
Master Colloquium Kohl Tue 16-18 10
Master Colloquium Ohr Tue 16-18 20
Colloquium Cornesse & Liebig Wed 14-16 20
Master Colloquium Teney Wed 14-16 20
Research Colloquium Sociology with special focus on Latin America Costa Fri 10-18 10
Sum 100


Semester 2

Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
10:00 -
LECTURE Cultural Differences and Similarities between the Member States of the European Union Teney (Gary55/A) Nationalism, Religion and Gender in Eastern Europe Bluhm (Gary55/302b) Civil Society and Mobilisation Varga (Gary55/302a) Ausgewählte Aspekte der demografischen Entwicklung (Block, 9:30 - 12:30) Allmendinger (WZB) Psychoanalysis in Latin America: sociological explorations of a discipline and how it has been applied Sauer (Gary55/302b)
12:00 -
Russische Eliten Bluhm (OEI) Nation-State, Citizenship, and Globalization Soysal (Gary55/302b) Hyper-Commodified Cities and Urban Social Movements Gustavusson (JFKI 201) Introduction to Comparative-historical Housing Sociology Kohl (JFKI 203) Social Structures and Inequalities in Comparative Perspective: Using Data Infrastructures of Comparative Empirical Social Research Cornesse (Gary55/302b) Welfare state theories and applications Bluhm (Gary55/302a) Regional Inequalities Cornesse (Gary55/323) Sociology of deviance. An introduction with applications to categories of marginalization in Eastern Europe Varga (Gary55/302b) Sociology of the European Union Teney (Gary55/302a) Immigrant integration in Europe Potapova (Gary55/323) Measuring Social Constructs Fabry (PC Pool Gary 55) Digitalization and Social Inequality Ehlert (Gary55/302b) titel lecturer ()
14:00 -
Conspiracy and Misinformation in the Digital Age Wunderlich & Berg (Gary55/302a) Religiosity in European Societies Ohr (Gary55/302b) The Rise of the Populist Radical Right Hutter (Gary55/301) LECTURE Global and Regional Transformations: Challenging Methodological Nationalism Costa (Gary55/A) LECTURE Social Structure of European Societies Heisig (Gary55/A) Inequalities and Social Stratification in Labor Markets Kalleitner (Gary55/323) titel lecturer ()
16:00 -
Social Movement Studies: An Introduction Hutter (Gary55/302b) Citizens and Politics Dageförde (Ihne22/UG3) Socioanalysis - Elements of the construction of social reality in Pierre Bourdieu Hepp (Gary55/323) Gender, Borders, Memory Caglar & Gienow-Hecht (Gender Studies) Inequality and Preferences for Redistribution Kalleitner (Gary55/302a) Social Inequality During Times of Crisis Cornesse (Gary55/323) titel lecturer ()
18:00 -
Globalisation and Social Inequality Gerhards (Gary55/302a) titel lecturer () titel lecturer () titel lecturer () titel lecturer ()

Legend: Module 4 Module 5 Module 6

Semester 4

Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
10:00 -
titel lecturer () Advanced Research Design Dageförde (Garystr.55/323 ) titel lecturer () From Interview to Inference. How to explore social structures & processes by doing qualitative research Varga (OEI) Research Colloquium Sociology with special focus on Latin America Costa (LAI)
12:00 -
titel lecturer () Colloquium Hutter (Gary55/323) titel lecturer () An International Comparison of Empirical Social Research in Germany and the USA from its Beginning until the 1950s Gorges (Gary55/302a)
14:00 -
titel lecturer () Beyond Surveys Cornesse (Gary55/302a) Qualitative analysis of experiences of displaced migrants in Europe Teney & Potapova (Gary55/302b) Colloquium Cornesse & Liebig (Gary55/323) Master Colloquium Teney (Gary55/302a) Introduction to Machine Learning for Social Sciences Castanho Silva (Gary55/302b)
16:00 -
Introducing Text Analysis with R through Political Party Manifestos from US Demirbağ (JFKI 201) Master Colloquium Kohl (JFKI 201) Master Colloquium Ohr (Gary55/323) Intermediate Data Analysis and Visualization in R Fabry (Gary55/204) titel lecturer ()
18:00 -
titel lecturer () titel lecturer () titel lecturer () titel lecturer () titel lecturer ()

Legend: Module 8 Colloquium